★Able to understand and                                 use numbers 4 - 7
★Able to use counters with                        some skill
★Able to count in units of                                2 up to 20

★Why kind of clothing do people
★What things do we do to stay 
and be healthy?
★What do you want to be when you grow up? 


                                           Computer Lab
                                           ★Able to type letters and words they
                                               have learned 
                                           ★Able to use a mouse with improved
                                           ★Able to open and close some programs







Arts & Crafts
★Able to explain about the
primary colors
★Able to color inside lines with 
some skill
★Able to use glue with some skill




Sounds & Letters
★Able to form short simple sentences
★Able to pronounce basic words with
better accuracy
★Able to read and pronounce
letters I - Q








       Games & Activities
      ★Able to hop, jump, skip and crawl
      ★Able to imitate some animals
      ★Able to demonstrate basic skill
          catching and throwing a ball




★Able to recognize some common 
★Able to list and briefly explain the
★Able to recite the months of the year