★ Able to understand and                              use numbers 0 - 3
★ Able to understand big                               and small
★ Able to recognize basic                             shapes

★ Why do we go to school?
★ Why do we need to eat, drink and breathe?
★ Is the sky the same everywhere in the world? 

                                              Computer Lab
                                             ★ Able to turn on and shut off a
                                                 computer properly 
                                             ★ Able to explain about the main 
                                                 parts of a computer
                                             ★ Able to use the mouse with 
                                                 some skill







Arts & Crafts
★ Able to trace lines with some
★ Able to cut out some simple
★ Able to use more than 1 color
in a picture




Sounds & Letters
★ Able to match pictures to letters
and sounds
★ Able to read some basic words
★ Able to read and pronounce
letters A - H








       Games & Activities
       ★ Able to bounce and shoot a ball with
            some accuracy
       ★ Able to use a jump rope with some skill
       ★ Able to demonstrate some skill using
            basic motor functions



★ Able to explain about hot and cold
★ Able to explain about the weather
★ Able to recite the days of the week