Kindergarten  ( S International School ) 

Work-play program for a child





3- 5 回 /週


 遊びながら楽しく学ぶこのクラスは幼稚園で必要とされる実用的なアクティビティ等の準備の為のクラスです。単語力を伸ばすアクティビテ ィや視覚・聴覚的認識力を刺激するよう  デザインされたアクティビティやエクササイズ  を通して読解力を養う準備をしていきます。 ディスカッションやストーリーテ リングはシー ズンや感覚、地域社会で働いている人々、国民的ヒーローや家族などについての探求心を引き起こします。またアイデアを結びつけたり(連想)、論理的に連続するもの(例えばアルファベットや偶数など)の知識の形成や理解力や暗記力の強化もしていきます。算数のアクティビティでは1から10の数を認識したり書いたり出来るようになりKindergartenへ入る準備を行い、基本的な算数の用語を覚えたり簡単な測定の仕方、そしてパターンの概念へと導いて い き ます。これらのアクティビティを通して子供達は学ぶ事の楽しさを知ることでしょう

  Our work-play Pre-Kindergarten course focuses on readiness skills, with hands-on activities and manipulative that prepare your child for an academic Kindergarten.

  Your child develops readiness for reading through vocabulary-building activities and exercises designed to stimulate visual and auditory discrimination. Discussions and storytelling invite him or her to explore the seasons, senses, community workers, national heroes, and family, as well as growth and change. Your student also learns to associate ideas, build logical sequences, and strengthen comprehension and memory skills.

  Math activities prepare your child to enter Kindergarten able to recognize and write the numbers 1 through 10. He or she will also gain a basic math vocabulary and is introduced to simple measurements, and the concept of patterns.

  Overall, you and your child will enjoy a year of guided, fun developmental activities as you work together to awaken a love of learning.


What Your Child Will Learn...

Reading Readiness

Building vocabulary; associating ideas and logical sequence; visual and auditory discrimination of letters; rhyming words; storytelling; comprehension skills; memory; similarities and differences; motor control

Number Readiness

Recognizing and writing numerals; basic math vocabulary; shapes; number ideas 1-10; matching and sets, following patterns; simple measurements; money


Singing children's nursery songs; finger plays

Games & Play

Performing dramatizations; finger painting; riddles

Stories & Poems

Hearing selected children's stories, poems; finger plays


Talking about seasons, national heroes, farm animals, the circus, senses, growth and change, community helpers, the United States


Modeling with clay; gluing; making musical instruments; splatter painting; baking; braiding; folding (all interconnected with the concepts being taught in other subjects)

Pre-Kindergarten Full Course Materials


Bullet Stories & Poems

Bullet What A Child Can Do

Bullet Open Eyes   (a discussion book about community)

Bullet Read-To-Me Storybook

Bullet Road to Reading Activity Book

Bullet Path to Math Activity Book

Bullet Favorite Nursery Songs

Bullet Favorite Nursery Songs CD

Bullet Kindergarten Fun Activity Book
  (activities that coordinate with
  new skills your child is learning)


入学して1年4ヶ月。PKクラスに通っています。ここに来るようになって、子供はとても積極的になりました。家でも自分から"No, Japanese time"を設け英語を話したり、英語で映画を見たりしています。毎回とっても楽しみにしています。
                                                                                                                  PK Akira's mommy